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Export  Internationales Marketing als Chance 

Die aktuelle Seite        

 Planung ist der halbe Erfolg - 
Gestaltung der Planung

Mission - Vision

Der Nutzen für  Klienten Der Berater;  Partner und Teil der Untrernehmensführung



Wilfried Riether 




©  RIETHER, A-3620 Spitz/ Donau

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Case study: Montenegro


Keywords: International buisness Co-operation, agreements, business stratgies


 International business cooperation requires Cultural Integration.

 Strategic alliances increase by more than 20% a year accounting for successful 
 development of global   business. They are a critical strategic component in many 
, but their failure rate hovers up to 70%.

 Research mostly discusses specific cases; literature is mainly focused on negotiation, 
 partner selection or  cross-culture-aspects and less on the  high failure rate as phenomenon.

 This book tries to enlighten this dark corner of missing strategic goals. Portfolios are assigned 
 as tool to  get information if similarities indicate risks to fail.

  Even if the propositions were only approximately true, the suggestions offer significant implication
  for improving international business cooperation.

   193 pages       Price:  EUR 43,-- + postage                                                                
Direct at the editor search for  ISBN 978-3-639-67924-3                                  
 or search for ISBN 9783639679243 


About the Author:

Wilfried A. Riether is an expert for strategic management and international business. He has been acting as manager and consultant in international business for more than forty    years and holds an academic degree for economics and sociology.

His specific intention is to combine practical management and scientific research with focus on the realization of international business projects.