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A-3620 Spitz/ Donau (+43 (0)2713 2501 |
Tätigkeitsbereiche Vom
Geschäftsplan, NEU: Überprüfen der Marktstrategie im In- und Ausland - 2,5 Tage intensiv Exportberatung - Export - Coaching >>>> Übersicht <<<<< Leistungen und Fachthemen
Interimsmanagement Export Internationales Marketing als Chance Planung
ist der halbe Erfolg
- Der Nutzen für Klienten Der Berater; Partner und Teil der Untrernehmensführung
© RIETHER, A-3620 Spitz/ Donau Click+Get® und fascination® sind geschützte Marken
Die Weitergabe oder Verwendung der Inhalte oder Teile bedarf der Zustimmung des Verfassers
| "The realization of concepts will lead to success not the paperwork"
We care also about realization taking responsible management tasks Focused on Goals - leading our clients to success!
Marketing - International Marketing / Export - Controlling
Optimizing client's resources to achieve agreed goals including the active cooperation for implementation of activities leading organizations to success.
By analyzing client's needs and challenges, we point out chances i. e. untapped market gaps, focusing activities on strategic and operational implementation of mutually agreed schemes, leading organizations to that leading edge skill and creativity ways of success. Professionalism is documented by international clients and projects realized in Europe (EC-Central Europe incl. Switzerland and CZ,SR,SL,HR), USA and Near East.
This time we are especially focused to tasks to develop activities relating to New England States and Europe.
Working with all the essential tools of the trade there is offered a network which covers the full range of marketing activities, sales and purchasing, performance checks of existing or new sales or distribution outlets, market researches, establishment of new organizations and subsidiaries, joint ventures, strategic management, management training up to the associated process control.
Further RIETHER MANAGEMENT+MARKETING offers assistance for business planning, designing the sales organization, re-orientation of strategies including training and coaching.
Since the foundation of RIETHER MANAGEMENT+MARKETING in 1985 there has been executed orders for more than 600 companies of different sizes and branches, ranging from one-man-starters, SMEs up to multinational companies and projects for the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) .
Feeling as part of the client's management RIETHER tries to activate the resources and to recognize difficulties in time in order to eliminate them or to minimize risks or to turn them around to a competitive tool.
Please contact us, if you are interested in getting more information for Click+Get® - a special e-Marketing-program based on the cooperation with existing stores using the mix of instruments of marketing in order to provide the delivery-service for consumers. It's the goal of the system to intensify the connection between existing stores and consumers. More information upon request: with "Ref.: Click+Get"